Yoga for Bones

With increasing age our bones start becoming weak. If you want your bones to remain strong for 100 years, then you must include these 5 yoga exercises in your daily routine. Let us know what those yoga exercises are..

yoga exercises for strong bones

After the age of 35 to 40 years, bones start losing calcium. Due to which it becomes weak. If you are turning 40 and want your bones to remain strong for 100 years, then you need to make some changes in your diet as well as lifestyle. If you include these 5 yoga exercises in your daily routine, your bones can remain strong for a long time. Let us know what those exercises are…



This wonderful yoga practice proves to be very beneficial for your bone health. For this you stand in Tadasana position. After this, rest your toes on the thigh of the other leg as high as you can. While maintaining balance in this position, raise the hands up, join the palms together and stand in the posture of Namaskar. Remain in this position for 30-40 seconds. This asana helps you a lot in maintaining balance and it also helps in strengthening your bones.



In the practice of this asana, the position of the body is triangular. For your information, let us tell you that this yoga practice helps a lot in strengthening the bones of your hands, legs and waist. For this, stand with both your legs open. Now try to touch the other leg with one hand without bending your waist. Repeat this action with the other hand also. Stay in one position for at least 30 seconds.



It is clear from the name of this asana that in this you have to make the shape of your body like a bridge. It helps a lot in strengthening our waist and shoulder bones. For this, lie down on your back and keep your hands near the body. After this, bend the legs and lift the hips upwards. Repeat this position 4-5 times.



By doing this yoga practice, the health of all the bones of our body improves. For this, you have to stand straight with both the legs together and now try to hold the feet with your hands while bending from the waist. Remain in this position as long as possible and repeat this action 4-5 times.



Paschimottanasana is going to prove very beneficial for you in strengthening the bones of waist and legs. For this, sit on the ground with your feet facing forward. And while turning from the waist, try to hold the toes with your hands.

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