Ashthma affect children
The risk of children suffering from asthma increases significantly in winter. Respiratory illness not only creates great difficulty for the innocent children, but it is also challenging for the parents to overcome it.

Along with many holidays and celebrations, the winter season also brings many problems. Especially that for innocent children this time is no less than a test. At this time they suffer from many diseases. One of these serious diseases is ‘asthma’. According to experts, the risk of children suffering from asthma increases significantly in winter. Respiratory illness not only creates great difficulty for the innocent children, but it is also challenging for the parents to overcome it. In such a situation, there is a need that with the change in weather, parents should pay attention to the health of their children, especially respiratory diseases.

How to take care of children with asthma

That’s why children become vulnerable to diseases

Various researches show that whenever there is a change in the weather, hundreds of viruses that cause diseases like allergies spread in the air. Due to these, children become vulnerable to seasonal diseases. There are some easy measures to prevent these, by adopting which parents can keep their children safe.

Pay attention to vaccination

Make sure to get children vaccinated according to their age. This is the most important step to protect innocent children from serious diseases. Vaccination card of every child is made as soon as it is born. Many times, apart from the card, other vaccinations are also given to children, information about which you can get from any pediatrician. By doing this your children will be safe from many diseases.

Pay full attention to cleanliness

Always pay attention to the hygiene of children. Make it a habit for them to wash hands frequently, wash both their mouth and hands after coming from outside, take bath daily, adopt proper etiquette of sneezing and coughing. By doing this children can protect themselves from many dangerous viruses.

A balanced diet is important

There is no shortcut to the overall development of children. Their main basis is a balanced diet. Therefore, in their food list full of junk food, you must include seasonal fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This will increase their immunity. Besides, their development will also happen in a better way.

Pay attention to physical activities

It seems as if TV, mobile, video games etc. have limited children’s childhood to screens only. But this is affecting the immunity of children. Therefore, it is better that you include physical activities in the daily routine of children since childhood. This will lead to overall development of their health. Their appetite will increase and they will also sleep better at night. Due to which they will be protected from many diseases.

Pay full attention to clothes

Pay very careful and wise attention to the baby’s clothes during the winter season. Along with sweaters, jackets, etc., also try to protect their ears, nose, fingers. However, it is not good to bury children under too many layers of clothes, it can cause problems to them. Therefore, choose woolen clothes very carefully.

Give medicines carefully

When children fall ill, always give them medicine as per the doctor’s advice. If possible, adopt some home remedies also. These are also very beneficial for the health of children.

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